Bonnie Prudden spent a lifetime teaching and inspiring people everywhere toward achieving a fit and pain-free lifestyle. Her dedication to improve the lives of others on a nationwide basis began in 1955 when, at the invitation of President Eisenhower, she delivered what became known as “The Report that Shocked the President”. At the time, her research revealed that American children were physically weak and inflexible compared to their European counterparts.
She started the first Institute for Physical Fitness, wrote 15 books, cut 6 records, developed equipment and produced 195 TV shows all focused on improving the physical fitness level for all age groups and abilities. In 1976 she developed Bonnie Prudden Myotherapy®, a noninvasive, reliable and effective method of erasing muscle pain. Pain Erasure, published in 1980, became a bestseller and continues to help millions relieve their muscle pain.
Bonnie’s programs have stood the test of time and the need is greater than ever. Today we face unprecedented levels of low back pain, heart disease, diabetes, obesity, high blood pressure and muscle tension. Those of us who were fortunate enough to know and be mentored by Bonnie, until her passing in 2011, are committed to carrying out her vision of a fit and pain free life for people of all ages and abilities everywhere. It’s time for us to modernize Bonnie’s time-tested videos, film and books, and carry her message to a new generation in new and innovative ways.
It’s time to share the knowledge through programs and training, both live and streamed, so that her major insights and wisdom can be communicated in direct, effective ways to those looking for ways to achieve a more healthy lifestyle. With your help we can do it much more quickly.
Please consider contributing whatever you can whether $3.00 or $300.00. We appreciate you and thank you.
Where Your Donations Will Go!
Everything needs to be digitized made available to all who can benefit from them. This including the general public as well as historians and journalists. Below is a sample list.
Audio tapes and Records
1. from as far back as 1956…radio shows with Arthur Godfrey, Mike Wallace and more
2. Bonnie’s lectures on her own history and the history of Exercise and Myotherapy dating back to 1976
3. Bonnie teaching at workshops, her school, lectures, national and local TV shows
4: 195 Bonnie Prudden Shows. Her TV shows of the 60s are stored in NH waiting to be sent to Boston for digitizing. This is a big expense and will be done in increments
5. personal film of family, climbing, skiing
6. climbing, baby swim, Addlepate Ski Club and more
7. 1,000s of newsprint and photos dating back to 1914 and continuing through 2011