For more information about Bonnie Prudden Myotherapy please email Enid at along with your questions and phone number.
Bonnie Prudden Myotherapy, 4729 E Sunrise Drive, #180, Tucson AZ 85718

Click Here To Be Notified Of Our On-Line Flash Sale Classes, Open To Everyone, NCBTMB Approved


When a sale is scheduled you will receive a newsletter notification directly from My Learning Library.  A unique link has been created.  When you sign up, your name will default to a list for BPMYO SPECIALS.  We tend to run a sale once every three months:  March, June, September and December.

NOTE: Courses are pre-recorded.  When you sign up during the Flash Sale you can proceed at your own pace!

“I just want to say how much I enjoyed the Bonnie Prudden Myotherapy 2 course. Sandy Dirks’ videos are excellent, with clear demonstrations and explanations. 
Today, a weekly client who suffers from low back issues, called me this afternoon after his morning massage with words of praise. The basic low back routine was just what he needed. He said he always feels great after his massage, but he couldn’t stop raving about how much better his back feels due to this treatment! 
Thank you so much for this course. I am so grateful for this knowledge. 
Warm regards,”
Ginnie (Virginia) Levine
(I wonder what course I’ll take next?!) 

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New book with Chapter 1 completely devoted to Bonnie Prudden, Fitness Pioneer

Shop Myotherapy Books and Self Care Tools


The bestselling Pain Erasure – The Bonnie Prudden Way, Myotherapy:  Bonnie Prudden’s Complete Guide To Pain-Free Living as well as other books and self-care tools are available for purchase through our secure store.  

Physical Education Starts at Home with Enid Whittaker The Lean Berets Podcast

by Enid Whittaker

Family Fitness - The Lean Berets Podcast

by Enid Whittaker

The Bonnie Prudden Way of Myotherapy

by Douglas Stephey, O.D., M.S.

Welcome to
Bonnie Prudden Myotherapy®

“Bonnie Prudden Myotherapy is a method of relaxing muscle spasm, improving circulation and alleviating pain. To defuse ‘trigger points,’ pressure is applied to the muscle for several seconds by means of fingers, knuckles and elbows. The success of this method depends on the use of specific corrective exercise for the freed muscles. The method was developed by Bonnie Prudden in 1976.”
Taber’s Cyclopedic Medical Dictionary, 17th Edition

Bonnie Prudden Myotherapy® is a hands-on, drugless, non-invasive method of relieving muscle related pain which emphasizes speedy, cost effective recovery and active patient participation for long-term relief. Myotherapy relaxes muscles, improves circulation and alleviates pain in all parts of the body. It increases strength, flexibility, coordination, stamina and energy. Work and play performance, posture, gait,and sleep patterns are all improved quickly, effectively and long lastingly. During a Myotherapy session, the patient, shoeless and wearing loose clothing, lies relaxed on a table as the body is checked for areas of potentially active trigger points, highly irritable spots that remain in the muscle after it has been damaged.

Squats, Duck Walks, and Knee Bends

HAVE YOU BEEN told that knee bends are not good for you? It is NOT true, but it all started this way! The following is from the Sports Illustrated March 1962 issue. ~~~~~~~~~~ The Knee is Not for Bending Deep Bends and Duck Waddles Fall to a Texas Professor’s 20-Year...

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Muscles: Love Them or Hate Them in the New Year

  ARE THERE SOME exercises that you know you should do but you just hate doing them? Did you ask yourself why you hate them? When I was teaching exercise at the Bonnie Prudden School I required my students to set up an exercise program for themselves based on...

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Self-Help Starter Kit – $65.90

Included: Pain Erasure: The Bonnie Prudden Way, Self Help Shepherd’s Crook, Medium Bodo

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